Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Response to "A Modest Proposal"

In "A Modest Proposal", Jonathan Swift makes a suggestion to help prevent all the children of the poor from becoming burdens and thieves later on. He proposes that they get EATEN! Jonathan uses diction and syntax to make his article fit the criteria of satire. Jonathan explains the ways the babies could get eaten at an early age and how, supposably, that would be beneficial to the country. His message is basically to tell the people that why bring many kids into this world if they can't really care for them . . . to start thinking of all the conflicts that can be created because of many kids having to be in poverty. Obviously, his solution is not good or realistic at all! How can people eat other human beings? But he just says this to create satire and get the reader's attention. Throughout the text, he used a very serious and calm tone that made it seem he actually meant everything he was saying about the babies being food, but he just wanted to make a clear point. & I think with this satire, he got people's attention easier and was able to convey his message to them.

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