Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Vocabulary #1

adumbrate: report/symbolize/to represent
apotheosis: highest point, climax
ascetic: characterized by, severe self-discipline/ abstention from indulgence
bauble: a small/showy decoration
beguile: enchant someone in a misleading way
burgeon: begin to grow, flourish, prosper, improve
complement: a thing that completes/brings to perfection
contumacious: stubbornly/willfully disobedient  to authority
curmudgeon: bad-tempered or unfriendly person
diction: choice & use of words in phrases in speech or writing
didactic: intended to teach, having moral instruction as an educational motive
disingenuous: not sincere, typically pretending that one knows less about something that one really does, dishonest
exculpate: show/declare that (someone) is not guilty
faux pas: an embarrassing act or remark in a social situation
fulminate: express "passionate/intense" protest, speak against, rage about
fustian: thick, durable twilled cloth
hauteur: lack of respect, pride, arrogance
inhibit: prevent, create difficulties
jeremiad: long, mournful complaint/lamentation
mood: state of feeling/mind, what feeling the work creates for the readers
opportunist: person who benefits from circumstances to gain immediate advantage rather than being guided by consistent principles
stupid: lacing of common sense, willful ignorance to new information
syllogism: trying to prove something, basic argument
syntax: arrangement of words & phrases to create well-formed sentences
theme: subject of a talk, main message/topic
tone: attitude of a piece of writing
unconscionable: not right/reasonable

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