Monday, September 5, 2016

Technology! [Satire Project]

Have you ever spent time with friends or been in a family reunion and everyone is just on their phones? Isn't it so annoying, frustrating, & sad that no one wants to have actual conversations with each other anymore? However, when you start to talk, people just interrupt you all the time, give you bad looks, or start arguments because of  "the way" you said some things. The solution is simple, might as well just keep it that way and have everyone just text each other whenever they want to say something. Lets have no one talk at all! Even though you're in the same room or right next to them, communicating just through emails and texts is easier and better for everyone. Like that, nobody will see your expressions or argue because the tone you say things with... they'll just be reading it through their screen. And people always have their phones with them, now a days they even take care of them more than anything else, so they'll probably answer very fast. Unlike, when you're together, they don't even pay attention to what you say for being distracted by their devices. Lets just keep using technology all the time for our benefit & not have our time wasted trying to actually talk to others.
 Image result for people together but everyone is on their phones  Image result for people together but everyone is on their phones

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